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Question about getting stuck with tracks

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  • Question about getting stuck with tracks

    I didn't see any other threads with this so here it is (and this is a newbie question since its only my 3rd ride). I got my tracks on, and headed out into what is locally known as the Grimshaw trail... and got stuck in that quad eating black plant covered muck that is common up here this time of year. The tracks/tires did not turn at all, and I ended up winching myself out after struggling to the edge of the trail on foot. Is it normal for the Hdi's to do that when they bog down? I spent some time trying unsuccessfully to move back and forth in low to see if I could break free but was worried about smoking my belt.

    I couldn't find anything about it in my users manual, but its possible I missed it.

    I'm not to confident in the transmission right now and want to make sure there is nothing else going on, its got a slow leak (that or the engine, but it seems to be the transmission) and ground a bit on me today (no gear changes or anything, just happened while I was driving) and is heading back to the dealer in a few weeks to get fixed.

    I've got Adair tracks and a 750 Hdi (don't get me wrong, the tracks are awesome, I couldn't even walk through most of what I was driving over!).


  • #2
    In low range, the engine was bogging down, and you could not even turn the tires/tracks? Everything was fine before and after?
    What yr is your HDI?


    • #3
      No issues before or after, to the extent of my extremely limited experience with these things it ran normally. Although I have had it bog down climbing out of mud holes at the bottom of inclines, and have had to switch to low to get up them. Its a 2014.
      Last edited by Sard; 08-11-2014, 11:07 PM. Reason: forgot about the mod hole inclines


      • #4
        Sounds odd to me. The tracks wouldn't turn at all? In my mind I could see it digging it'self a hole. But to not have any power at all?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Twizted1 View Post
          Sounds odd to me. The tracks wouldn't turn at all? In my mind I could see it digging it'self a hole. But to not have any power at all?
          We are stumped. something is wrong.Any 750 hdi or efi or carberated will spin tires in anything including inside the tracks. bogging down in mud at the bottom of an incline??? Something is wrong. I wish I knew what to suggest but you need to find another argo owner to take a ride with you..good luck.


          • #6
            I would be heading back to the dealer now and now wait for another few weeks. The longer you wait the more damage could happen. Sounds like there is something seriously wrong.
            Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
            —Will Rogers


            • #7
              Any way you look at it, the grinding is not good, but I'm having a little trouble coming up with a possible idea when the machine has only been out for 3 rides (Is that correct?). I would also like to know how many hrs are on the machine, did you buy new/used/demo model?

              The "Bogging" issue...........
              Possibly/perhaps a weak or broken spring in your Secondary Clutch? From the very brief description of the problem, this is a possibliity. There is no way in Heck that you should need to put the machine in low range to get it to pull out of a mudhole, or to climb a hill. I'm thinking your Clutches might not be "Backshifting" properly, or the Secondary is just "flopping" open without much resistance when your Primary clutch engages.



              • #8
                No idea on the machine but if it's the mud I"m thinking that stuff is nigh impossible to get through. Swallows most anything that passes within 20 feet of it and never lets it return...

                In all seriousness sounds like some type of clutch issue to me. You should be capable of spinning tracks in mud...

                Get back to the dealer and find out why yer grinding and why your bogging.

                My stupid clutch setup I HAD caused me the same issue it would just go right to high range and stay there and I could NOT move up slightest I've a completely different machine than you but a bad clutch is my suggestion too based on my exp.

                Good luck keep us posted.
                MUSCATEER 6x6
                Kubota 14hp 2cyl diesel engine, Hagen/Rooter transmission Comet 780 Drive/770 Driven 22x12x8 Bearclaw tyres
                Soon to add on a ... RHB31 Turbo..guess that would make it a
                MUSCA TUR BOTA then eh?
                94 F350 4x4 7.3 IDI ZF 5sp
                90 Bronco..awaiting a rebuild like no other = Tons and turbo diesel

                Okanagan Similkameen BC Canada
                Al "Camo pants"


                • #9
                  Three rides is correct. So much for buying a new machine, I had my first problem getting up a hill with 1.2 hours on the machine, the mud hole was 6.1 hours on the machine. Its going back to the dealer first thing in the morning. Total hours are 7.3 for both the machine and myself.

                  Thanks for everyone's help on this.


                  • #10
                    sard, i think we all will be curious to find out what the problem is. good luck'


                    • #11
                      It is sad that you are having a problem out of a new machine. But don't let that get your down on them. They will fix the problem (at least I would think they would) and you will love it.


                      • #12
                        I'll post an update when I find out John. Could be a week or two from talking to the dealer, I guess they are backed up.

                        I'm really looking forward to it Twizted1, thanks.


                        • #13
                          definitely something is 2012 HDI will climb like a goat and spin the hell outta the big rubber tracks.


                          • #14
                            Well, not what I thought. One of the spark plugs was not connected. I've been running on one cylinder. It passed a compression test so it does not look like there was any damage.

                            One more week and a 9 hour round trip and I'll have it back.


                            • #15
                              Wow, really?
                              My conquests will hardly drag themselves down a hill when running on one cylinder.
                              Glad to hear u have a simple fix.
                              Good luck.


