Sorry to hear that bro......I still have engine envy in spite of it's killer torque!
BTW, I LOVE the idea of the interchangeable drive sprockets on the T-20! That would be just great....easy, and would make the machine very tuneable to varied driving needs.
No problem, I can fix it. The sprockets history,but I'm sure I can save the shaft. Not a bad Idea Lance, I'm sure it can be done.
If you can knurl or spline the shaft and install a new sprocket, I'll send it off to ya. As soon as I can get that blasted snap ring out, you know the one that's buried in the output shaft housing and requires an act of congress to remove? I have not been able to find snap ring pliers that will fit, so last night I purchased the longest needle nose pliers I have ever seen. I will shoot you a pm when I get it out. Thanks!
I had thought about dropping down to a sprocket with fewer teeth on the t-20 because gear changes on the center axel, as Bon will agree, are a real pain in the rear with the sprocket set we are using. Has anyone done this? I really like the interchangeable sprocket idea.
I was waondering if that 94c duster drive clutch is holding up with that big block power or is it already history??? I have a new 94c and I was going to install it on a 22 horse, just looking for some feedback.
The Duster seems to be holding up. I have about 4 hard hours on the clutch, so far so good. If anything, it will just melt the drive pucks.
It should work well with your 22 horse. Keep us posted!
My 1980 16 HP Hustler trans had the same problem. Decided to tig weld it together. No problem so far even with lots of hours and and some additional HP and larger tires.
My 1980 16 HP Hustler trans had the same problem. Decided to tig weld it together. No problem so far even with lots of hours and and some additional HP and larger tires.
This was gonna be my next suggestion, I would tig it on also. But I would still buy a new hardend sprocket.
I had the 980 out for the first time since getting the t-20 back together, and now it looks like I need an axle upgrade. Funny story, I was flogging it pretty hard in the swamp for an hour or so, and I felt the back end get a little light but I did not think much of it. When I pulled it up on the trailer to head home, a couple of guys in a 4wd pulled up beside me and said “you lost a wheel, huh?" What? I looked back and the right rear wheel was gone! I had not even noticed it was missing; the machine seemed ok without it. It took me half an hour find it and pull it out of the swamp.
However, before my wheel made its getaway, I did try it out in an open field. When I had the t-20 apart, I adjusted the Duster driven unit to a low spring pressure, 8 lbs. It is now impossible to open it all the way up on a strait away; it is just too fast to stay in control. I bet I hit 50mph, and the briggs was running at less than 4000 rpm. I really need a seat belt and a roll bar.
Hopefully I will get the video camera back from Sony this week, and with a little luck I can get some video posted soon.
Maybe when I get the new axles in, things will quit breaking!
Ok Guys, I finally got some video posted. The quality is mediocre, but I am fairly new at this.
On the last run away from the camera you can barely hear the left sprocket strip from the T-20.