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Tecumseh OH160 help

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  • Tecumseh OH160 help

    The OH160 in my Tomahawk is cranking over but seems to be fighting the engine compression. In addition, the positive post on the starter is getting hot.

    Does anyone know if there is a compression relief valve and if there is a way to determine if it's working properly?

  • #2
    Check all the connections in you starters electrical circuit for cleanleness/tightness. Sounds like an elec. connection issue.



    • #3
      New wire, running from solenoid to starter. Just put it on so it's pretty tight.


      • #4
        Could the starter be bad/weak? What does it do with no spark plug?

        Maybe hydro locking? Fuel in oil? Just ideas.
        Last edited by LarryW; 11-05-2012, 04:57 PM.


        • #5
          Sounds to me like a sheared flywheel key is making the engine out of time. Take the time and pull the flywheel to see if the key is sheared. Very common issues with lawnmower engines.


          • #6
            Take the nut off the starter post and remove the wire. then snug up the other nut on the post (don't go crazy or it will break the plastic insulator that the post is mounted in) then reinstall the wire and first nut. there are 4 brushes in most starter motors. 2 are wired to the post and 2 to ground. when the nut gets loose (no idea why they will spontaneously loosen) you will either end up with a weak connection to both brushes, or total loss of connection to one set.... then the other set tries to do all the work hence the heat
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            • #7
              Thanks guys.

              I'm not trying to run the engine (fuel is not hooked up) so I don't think it's fuel in the oil (thanks Larry). I will try running it without the plug in.

              Reb, I'll see what happens after I get the fuel lines hooked up.

              I can borrow the starter from my spare engine but that won't be available for a few weeks.

              Thanks Brian, I'll give your suggestion a shot Wednesday.

