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Michigan Members to help with T20

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  • Michigan Members to help with T20

    Is There anyone in Michigan that can help me fix my T-20 transmition in my 1995 MAX II 6X6 ?? I believe it to be somthing simple. lease let me know if you can help. Jon 231 838 7317

  • #2
    Hey Jon,
    Where in Michigan are you?


    • #3
      I contacted Jon thru Email....This was his responce; Jim,

      Thank you for your response.we were driving my 1995 Max II when it became hard to steer. when i let go of the steering levers the left side is in the forward position. it seems that whatever holds it in the center position has either broke or come loose ? this thing has hardly any use. looks and runs like new. i just cant afford to take it to a shop for repairs. I'm hoping to find someone that knows the T20 that can fix or help me fix it @ a reasonable cost. Jon
      Doesn't sound internal to the trans to me, More like linkage issues????

