could be the camshaft but if you already got a vanguard engine, just add a rev kit and remove the governor; it will make it a whole new experience (for less than 80$)
Hey robbie thanks for the heads up on Busco Beach we are going to try to make it there, marked on calendar.
coolllllllllllllllllll can't wait going to be fun ride for shure . thanks robbie .
1999 max 2 18 b&s 22 tires custom . new max iv 23 k 26 i/n tires brown . ht cable promark winch . new toy 1972 attex st400 400ccjlo and she will be bad . ( the frog ) if it don't float with out you getting wet . don't bring it ! R.I.P sage rogers 4 11 09 . you can't fix stuped !!!!! raceone 3 .)
A friend of mine is directing a horror film and my Max earned its keep this weekend by transporting equipment, crew, and actors around the farm location.
could be the camshaft but if you already got a vanguard engine, just add a rev kit and remove the governor; it will make it a whole new experience (for less than 80$)
A friend of mine is directing a horror film and my Max earned its keep this weekend by transporting equipment, crew, and actors around the farm location.