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Set screw help

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  • Set screw help

    Hi All
    I have a 2000 MAX II and I am completely overhauling it. All the set screws on the brake rotors, locking collars and gears need to be drilled out. Looks like a previous owner at sometime tried to remove them and they are all broke. I am using COBALT drill bits( Rigid Brand) and they barely make a dent in the set screws. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to drill them out? They have been soaking in mouse milk for 4 days now. I am desperately need them out to remove the axels.

    Today I dropped my comet 780 drive clutch on the ground bring it to my work bench to install the new springs and rollers I received today and ooops, dropped it and broke the sheave. Does anyone have a used drive clutch I can buy?

    1 more day like today and I think I will burn it................................. Just Kidding.

    thanks All

  • #2
    Get a good high speed steel, left hand drill bit, the diameter of the key. drill slow speed with lots of pressure. the heat generated from drilling will help loosen it. It may back out before drilled thru, but if not, drill thru, then get a larger left hand drill bit and start again. The pressure relieved from the first hole will usually enable the second drill to back it out.
    Good luck.


    • #3
      Try finding a hex bit that fits so tight you've got to pound it in. May have to go to a metric size. Then heat around it with a torch, if it still won't go let it cool. Sometimes the heat cool cycle will break it loose. As for the outer bearing locks just leave them on and pull it out with the axel and bearing then cut it off after the axel is out. Easier to get at. Stay away from the Allen bits on sockets, way too brittle. Use regular Allen bits or the sockets that take replaceable Allen bits made from the same material as the hand ones, I've had good luck with those kind. Good luck. Hope this helps.
      What it lacks in ground clearance it makes up for with traction.


      • #4
        I am with Tbone9, The more heat you can get to those set screws the better. Thread lock is sometimes used on these set screws and the heat helps free them up. I have used a heat gun on them until I see a little smoke coming up from the set screw.
        Hold My B..R and Watch This!!!


        • #5
          Be careful not to melt the tub though. Good advice on the left hand bits.
          Stand for the Flag. Kneel for the Cross.


          • #6
            Purchased a set of drills from Bad Dog Tools. They will drill through a broken screw extractor at the right speed and absoulty drill out setscrews. I prefer lots of heat( hubs cherry red ) before inserting driver and trying to remove screws. Worse case is cutting axles to remove, hope it dosent come to that.


            • #7
              thanks all
              There is no way to turn the screw out they have to be drilled. it looks as though someone tried to remove them before and started to drill them at one time so the top 2or 3 thread are gone. just very strange. I will appy heat and see if that will help with the left handed drill bits. maybe even a carbide bit as the cobalt bit did nothing.



              • #8
                Set screw 0 mechanic 1

                HI All
                thanks for all the advice, All set screw out of all axels, took 5 hrs total, I had to use multiple Cobalt drills and sizes, screw extractors and lots of patience. I did not know until now that all the sprockets and brake rotor's had 2 set screws on top of each other.

                I am trying to figure out how to use dropbox so I can give a link to anyone that wants to see my complete 2000 MAX II overhaul process, I will have lots of pictures.



                • #9
                  2000 MAX II Triple sprocket

                  Hi all
                  After removing all set screws my triple sprocket on the center wheel wont move. it has about a 1/16 inch play back and forth. when I hit it with a hammer and brass punch it will not move. I do not see any set screws or snap rings at all holding it in place. does it just free float on the shaft? I need to remove all the axels tomorrow.

                  has anyone ever converted their MAX II to all #60 chain? if so where would I get a triple sprocket set up for #60?

                  thanks everyone for all your help.



                  • #10
                    #60 all thru the max 2 would be an overkill and you may loose clearance bewteen the tub and sprocket make sure you have all set screws out I use an air hammer and push them out

