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  • I stood out behind that plant when I was nine or ten,my father was test riding a machine and placed his order that same day and we got to tour the plant and so started our long standing ownership of AATV,s,forty seven years later my father is gone and owned machines till the end and I will follow in those footsteps.NCT


    • Video of a wheelchair accessible Argo with modified controls.


      • Regarding the Jiger: I would tear up several thousand dollars worth of parts, and probably disfigure myself in the process if I drove one that hard. Great footage though, it demonstrates how tough these little machines were. What a dismount when the machine rolled!


        • Another home built amphibious 4x4

          Very seldom do you see a Mudd-Ox video. Some honest person decided to upload this one. Of course all amphibs can get stuck. Been there ,done that before, just not this bad in a Mudd-Ox when I owned one.

          Last edited by mudbug3; 05-15-2012, 09:39 PM.


          • That is really cool. I think it would be fun just having that really good field of vision right in front of you.


            • Larry,

              Just imagine the low psi on the ground that this amphibious 4x4 has! I was really impressed at how it could drive over those really large rocks. I could'nt imagine attempting to try this with any other amphib.


              • Thats a neat design, big low pressure tires that you can see flex and absorb the load. The chain drive system on the outside of the machine, looks to be a weak link though, it was pretty high up however, and I'm sure it would be easy to service so mounted. Maybe they have something there. Its a big machine, an advantage in Siberia but not maybe in East Texas or Louisiana. I really like the controls and the simplicity of the machine.


                • Originally posted by mudbug3 View Post
                  Another home built amphibious 4x4

                  Very seldom do you see a Mudd-Ox video. Some honest person decided to upload this one. Of course all amphibs can get stuck. Been there ,done that before, just not this bad in a Mudd-Ox when I owned one.

                  No winch on the 4x4 amphib?? Those guys are nuts driving on soft ice with no plan B? Wouldnt want to loose a chain on an ice chunk and have no way back onto solid ice! Not very practical machine for most places but gotta say it can traverese some nasty stuff!


                  • With the chain issue, they seem to stay on on dirtbikes,quad.... We have all seen them riding in deep mud,snow,sand.... I dont think having external chains would be an issue. Then there is the thought of them lasting longer being protected. Well most of the time there is dirt/grime and water down in the tub and they more or less soak in it. So I dont know. Maybe, maybe not?


                    • They call it an OX, not a CAT. lol
                      I never did get over the tree with my MaxII.
                      Last edited by thebuggyman1; 05-20-2012, 07:25 PM. Reason: video didnt work


                      • I dropped the Argo down between two slimy banks and promptly cut tire grooves on both sides... like dropping a square peg in a square hole!


                        • i would think with a winch and some rope you could have gotten that out with out the Ford
                          Kevin Hough


                          • Yep, but was getting dark soon. Not a lot of time to fiddle. Besides, I don't get the truck off road very often, so...
                            Also, the "stuck" was much worse than the video shows (pinned between two banks, tires barely touching.


                            • Military Humdinga


                              • Originally posted by mudbug3 View Post
                                Military Humdinga

                                It reminds me of a larger version of the REB and Terra Jet, but this one is obviously much quicker in the water.
                                "Looks like you have a problem with your 4're missin' two wheels there"

