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  • Joe and Sandy,

    Welcome to the amphibious forum.


    • Hello everyone out there. I'm new to the amphib world. joined not to long ago and have learnt lots by reading. I have a 700cc quad and I just can't go the places I want to. It just seems u all have a blast. I'm putting my quad up for sale (its loaded with goodies) as I am awaiting for a 6x6 argo with tracks etc. for about $7k. it supposed to be a 07 with about 80 hours. A trapper owns it and is buying a new avenger. I'm in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and there is lots of water, swamp where I go for moose.(u should see the amt of timber wolf tracks, just unreal) the oldest stepson called a wolf into about 40 yds but couldn'd thump him because he had a 300mag. He did get a 6 1/2 black bear though next day. No moose this year though. Again what a bunch of excellent pictures and a very sociable and knowledgeable group. Happy to be on board.


      • welcome aboard Mr. Moose, wasn't Mr. Moose on Capton kangaroo?
        Kevin Hough


        • Originally posted by robertkbush
          hello all
          hello all just got my max2 its a 1988 red with a 16hp looking forword to playing and upgrading it. i realy like reading all the threads and looking at all the pics. glad to be apart of 6x6 world
          max2 with 3000lb winch,split shifter, off road lights, and 50 amp alternator


          • robertkbush,

            Hello Robert. Welcome to the amphibious forum. Where are you located at? If you provide us with this imformation , there might be some forum members near you that you can ride with.


            • Welcome Robert! This is the best place for support and fun!!!
              Dezi Gebel
              2 Early 70's Argo's Will Merge To Make One!


              • new to the site

                Hi guys, I'm new to the amphib world and have signed up to get a litte education about them. I live in South Lousiana where we have marsh to contend with instead of all the snow and ice I see on most of the videos. If anyone has somedthing to recommend about our soft ground and the machines that bets tackle it , It would be appreciated. I seem to be attracted to the zero turn stuff.


                • mikej ,

                  Welcome to the forum. I live in Shreveport, Louisiana. What part of Louisiana do you live in? Maybe we can hook up for a ride some time. I love riding in swamps, marsh, and soupy mud. The challenging the better.


                  • hi all,, my name is Dwayne. Ive been looking for an argo for over a yr now. Ive found one here in Ky. for $3500. This was the first one ive ever seen, other than videos, pics, etc. A few things im not sure of, when i turned, i could feel something slapping the floor board, both passenger and driver sides. Is this major,, common?? And in the front lower tub, there was a couple of holes that, what looked like to me,, where the frame came to the front. The guy said it was for a plow, but the ones ive seen, mount on the axles. none the less, it was holes in the plastic. While in gear sitting at an idle, it didnt move,, is the clutch working like it should? Its a vanguard, 16 hp, 3000 lb wench, rawhide 3s. It ran smooth, no smoke. Ive been wanting one for a long time,,, and I CANT STAND IT ANYMORE,,lol, it seemed to drive and turn fine. Any suggestions appreciated.


                    • Originally posted by kynighthawk70 View Post
                      hi all,, my name is Dwayne. Ive been looking for an argo for over a yr now. Ive found one here in Ky. for $3500. This was the first one ive ever seen, other than videos, pics, etc. A few things im not sure of, when i turned, i could feel something slapping the floor board, both passenger and driver sides. Is this major,, common?? And in the front lower tub, there was a couple of holes that, what looked like to me,, where the frame came to the front. The guy said it was for a plow, but the ones ive seen, mount on the axles. none the less, it was holes in the plastic. While in gear sitting at an idle, it didnt move,, is the clutch working like it should? Its a vanguard, 16 hp, 3000 lb wench, rawhide 3s. It ran smooth, no smoke. Ive been wanting one for a long time,,, and I CANT STAND IT ANYMORE,,lol, it seemed to drive and turn fine. Any suggestions appreciated.
                      Hello Dwayne,
                      Glad you found us. The slapping is probably the chains. Take a look at them they are probably loose. The holes in the plastic is not from any factory plow. Your right they are attached to the bearings. Yours may be home made or

                      When sitting at idle and it dont move that is good. If it idles and dont shut down then I would just leave it. A low idle really helps when trying to change gear ranges.
                      Sounds like you got a few small issues but I hope it turns out to be a fun machine for you. We all enjoy ours!!!


                      • new at 6x6

                        hi i am new here i just got me a max ii past sunday and i live in south carolina i like to make some friend to go ride with


                        • New member

                          Hi, my name is Skip and I have just joined the group here. I have just bought a Tera Tiger off of craigslist last sunday. It was the one in NE. I have owned 2 other 6 wheelers back in the late70s. 1 was a argo with the 2 extra wheels on it and had the 440 in it. Ran like a scrared jackrabbit. The other one was one of the first 100 jigers. It was small ,slow and yeller. It was a ton of fun to drive. They are long gone now. I bought this machine and its in pretty good shape. I got it to fire today with the help of the wiring diagram I found here. I will be looking for a manual on it in the near future. I will post some pics soon. Thanks and have a good day.


                          • send me your e-mail and i can send you the manuals in a
                            A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


                            • Locosmith, New Guy.

                              Howdy, New to these 6 w ATV i have a Pinzgaure 4 wheel truck, but had to get this MaxIV. Get into tighter places. I already have been having problems, and am finding out these little things are a little complicated. Already bought 600.00 worth of parts, cables heated, seats, think I need a book. I will be asking some stuoid questions. Thanks Loco


                              • Locosmith, welcome to the site.

