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  • Hey northeastmudslinger,
    Welcome back to the the 6x6 world! Hope you enjoy!!!

    Hey quick68,
    Do you have any old pictures with the ones your father had? It would be cool to see some older photos! Good luck on your hunt. If you want room the Argo is the way to go. Next up for 4 seaters would probably be a Hustler or MaxIV.


    • Hi everyone. I have two Tri-Cubs that I grew up on and hoping to bring them back up to speed. Everytime I search for parts or info on them I'm always led back to this site so I finally signed up. I will take all the info I can get on these Tr-Cubs!


      • Larry, we used to have pics but I havent seen them in awhile. One I am almost sure was a max. It was red with a bench seat and a flat plywood deck over a rear engine and has 2 straight levers for control. The other was white on top and yellow on bottom, larger than the other one with a wrap around rear seat and a single bucket seat for the driver with a stearing wheel. This was 30 yrs ago though. Just found the Action Age Scrambler pics on the craigslist adds section. That is the other one I was describing
        Last edited by quick68; 03-27-2011, 10:40 PM. Reason: Found more info


        • Hi HyperXCF, welcome to the site. Good luck with your Tri-Cub restorations.


          • Thank goodness I found this site.


            I have had an Amphicat for almost 10 years, and have not been able to work on it, until now. I have only been on this site a short time, but have found some extremely valuable info. I can't wait to try the ABS plastic repair. I have been in maintenance for 24+ years now, and I hope, I will be able to offer some good information in the future.


            • Hi Mike, welcome to the site. I hope you get your Amphicat repaired and back on the trails soon.


              • Hi all.
                Found his site fter watching Rockdoctor and Guitarhacks Youtube Vids on wrenching on Argo's. Thanks guys!
                I have a 1997 Response 8X8 18hp B&S I bought in 2002 I allso have an old 93 Polaris 350LC 4x4 Quad and am purchasing a new Ranger 6X6 so I can go places fast guiding while still being able to carry a moose an 2 Hunters back to camp.
                I still love the ol girl and am planning a major overhaul this summer on her so allso need the new machine so I can still go fishing whilst she is laid up. So expect a few Qs LOL.
                Anyhoo as You can Tell I likes Moose and chasing em with Bow or Gun. and as they dont call em Swamp Donkeys for nothing I figure an Argo 8 wheeler is pretty much the #1 Machine in my Opinion and when someone figures out a way to make em do 60 km an hour on a good trail without it eating chains/tires/sprockets/trannys Ill have to still have a quad/utv as well as my Argo for when someone spoils a perfectly good moose hunt by killing one with short legs.


                • just got my first argo a 1987 love the machine. i live up in northern mn. can't wait to take it out fishing. ride and repair vintage skidoo snowmobiles. got the argo so i can get out to remote trout lakes. needed a new hobbie and this is it. need some info on body repair. thanks ron


                  • Anybody got a good soloution on how to repair a hole and what kind of plastic is the body for a 1987 argo made from, thanks. ron


                    • the ARGO body is made of HDPE (High Density Polyethelene (sp?)). The only repair that will work is plastic welding. either look up plastic welders in your area, or go the DIY route Urethane Supply 5600HT Model 6 Airless Plastic Welder - eBay (item 350442137880 end time Apr-23-11 07:31:54 PDT)
                      A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


                      • Moosetalker and weber, welcome to the forums.


                        • Hi, I'm new to your forum. I own an argo 2005 avenger 700. This is my 3rd argo. I also had a maxIV. I mainly use it for hunting. I'm the only one with that king of machine around.

                          I love hunting and fishing


                          • Hey brebett, welcome to the site. You will fit in nicely around here.


                            • Hi Guys, I got introduced to 6x6's on that show banana splits, that shows my age! Years later I worked with a fellow that owned an ATTEX repair shop called Montagners in Kempton PA. He invited me over and in a few sort weeks I had my first ATTEX. It was a 400 and from there I joined a club called PJ fun runners. I raced an enduro in the pines of NJ and busted the body. I totally rebuilt the machine and had it for several years. I sold it when I had too many kids to fit in it and began the quest of looking for a RIM to fit everyone in. I hunted one down from a guy that had one in the club and have had it for 15 years. Now it is time to rebuild it. Engine and seats mainly. I want to install a 23HP twin. SO that's my story. I have a thread on if anyone can help me with I think it is a spec number for the vanguard engine so I can get the correct one. Glad to have joined this site.


                              • Originally posted by rbp View Post
                                Hi Guys, I got introduced to 6x6's on that show banana splits, that shows my age! Years later I worked with a fellow that owned an ATTEX repair shop called Montagners in Kempton PA. He invited me over and in a few sort weeks I had my first ATTEX. It was a 400 and from there I joined a club called PJ fun runners. I raced an enduro in the pines of NJ and busted the body. I totally rebuilt the machine and had it for several years. I sold it when I had too many kids to fit in it and began the quest of looking for a RIM to fit everyone in. I hunted one down from a guy that had one in the club and have had it for 15 years. Now it is time to rebuild it. Engine and seats mainly. I want to install a 23HP twin. SO that's my story. I have a thread on if anyone can help me with I think it is a spec number for the vanguard engine so I can get the correct one. Glad to have joined this site. Ralph
                                Welcome to the site Ralph! Glad to have you. I hope you have luck getting your RIM back to snuff!

                                That club explains this shirt I bought off Ebay. Pretty cool! Its a smaller child size I bought for my oldest son. Do you know anybody else in the club still that rides? Maybe tell them about this site and you can all join back together. Thanks for sharing you cool history you had on 6x6s! Im sure you have plenty of stories to tell and lookf forward to hearing them.

