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Leg room????

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  • Leg room????

    Ok guys I'm a complete noob and have been looking at an older(late 70s early 80s) hustler (pic in hustler thread) and have also been looking at an older max II which is going to have more leg room up front? And is the hustler back seat really worth much as far as someone riding there?

  • #2
    A Max II is going to have gobs more leg room than a Hustler. The back seat in the 980 Hustlers isn't so bad, but I've not sat in a 900/950 before, which sit a lot lower. I don't know of many AATVs that have more front leg room than a Max II. The Swamp Fox is pretty close, but they're pretty uncommon.


    • #3
      I'm 5' 10" tall and I couldn't at all sit comfortably in the back of my 950 Hustler. HMike is right the 980 had the extra height and the back seat was easier to sit in.
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