I've got a 400 Chief with the big brake discs that are mounted on each side of the T20 and are loose on the shaft. They don't spin at all but you can shake them from side to side and they kind of act like a cymbal. When the Attex is moving and you use a lateral - for example you are moving and you pull back on a lateral abruptly to brake there is noise as that side of the T20 stops. Like wise there is a noise if you push the lateral forward quickly. I think the noise is from the brake disc bang around on it's loose mounts. If you apply the brake peddle so that it is lightly gripping the disc, and then operate a lateral as before the noise doesn't occur. Anyone run into this kind of thing? I originally thought maybe the chains where loose and that was causing the noise, but they don't seem to be.
Any thoughts on how to tighten up those discs mountings?
Any thoughts on how to tighten up those discs mountings?