A color brochure on the Salsbury automatic torque converter that explains how the clut...
Parts and operational manuals for amphibious ATVs from JLO engines to Borg Warner T20 transmissions and many ATV manuals.
Salsbury Variable Speed Clutch
Salsbury Torque Converter shop manual second edition from the Salsbury Corporation out of Los Angeles, CA. This manual details the different kinds of Salsbury clutches along with instructions on how to disassemble / reassemble them. It also details how to tell when components are worn and what a properly adjusted belt should look like between two torque converters.
A color brochure on the Salsbury automatic torque converter that explains how the clut... -
Mikuni VM Carb Tuning
Here is a 4 page article on the Mikuni VM series slide valve carburetor and how to tune it including some detailed carb jet information.
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JLO 2 Stroke Motor
Here are a couple of helpful articles for the JLO engines:
(Click on the thumbnails to view the full sized image)
JLO Twin Cylinder timing procedures for models LR-340/2 (2F-340-1), LR-399/2 (2F-400-1) and LR-440/2 (2F-440-2)
Here are some wiring diagrams for the JLO engines. There are three different ones. The engine model numbers that they apply to are listed in the bottom right corner.
A complete JLO Service Manual: ... -
Borg Warner T20 Manual
Here is the popular Borg Warner T20 / Skid Steer transmission manual. It includes a description of how the T20 works, an exploded parts view, a set of disassembly and reassembly instructions, and some trouble shooting tips.
You can also download a full PDF copy of the manual here: Skid Steer T20 Transmission Manual
Hustler 6x6 Manual
The link below is a downloadable PDF of the Hustler 950 and 980 owner's manual
Hustler Owners Manual
This is the owner / operator manual for the Hustler amphibious 6x6 ATV.
Dayco Belts Part Numbers
A downloadable PDF showing the Dayco Belt Interchange to let you cross reference different manufacturer's belts over to a Dayco belt:
Here are some part numbers and dimensions of Dayco drive belts:
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Kohler Engine Manual
Kohler Two Cylinder owners manual
Kohler two cycle service bulletin for C44 C.D. Ignition. This is the test procedure for engines produced after 1974
Kohler two cycle service bulletin for all motors showing the recommended spark plugs.
Kohler two cycle service bulletin - A wiring diagram for 1974 and 1975 production model engines with electric start.
Here is a downloadable PDF of the 4 strok... -
Torque Converter Clutch Options
Here are a couple of pages on different clutches, pulleys, and torque converters used on AATVs. They will really come in handy when identifying variations found on different 6x6's.
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Amphibious ATVs Manuals
Here you will find more member submitted literature; operational and parts manuals for several ATVs and even a few manuals on the T20 transmission, Salsbury Clutches, and Chaparral / JLO engines.
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by MikeBelow you will find PDF downloads of sections of the Argo Service Manual. This manual is Argo part number 673-04-1 from 2006. It covers a variety of Argo 6x6 and 8x8 ATVs manufactured since 1992 including the Conquest, Response, Bigfoot, Vanguard, Vanguard 2 and the Avenger.
...General Information Engine Electrical Brake / Steering -
Channel: Argo
04-19-2013, 05:37 PM -
by MikeHere is a service and parts manual for the Cat-A-Gator 6x6 and 8x8 amphibious ATVs. It is in PDF format: Cat-A-Gator Manual
Channel: Cat-A-Gator
10-04-2012, 07:17 PM -
by MikeDownload a PDF copy of the McKee Brothers RoughRider service manual including parts breakdowns and information on your 6x6 amphibious ATV by clicking on the following image:
Channel: RoughRider Manuals
05-29-2012, 09:22 PM -
by MikeThis is a manual for the Suzuki Swift / Firefly G10 & G13 1.0L and 1.3L engines. It includes everything from basic maintenance to wiring diagrams and will come in handy if you are utilizing one of these motors for your 6x6 or 8x8 ATV. The manual has been broken down into sections that are downloadable PDFs so you will need adobe reader to view them:
Section 0 - General Information
Section 6 - G10 General Engine Information
Section 6-1 - G13 General Engine Information ...-
Channel: Suzuki Engines
04-29-2012, 09:55 PM -
by MikeBelow are a few manuals for the KID 8x8 tractor manufactured by LTV Aerospace Corporation in Tyler, Texas USA. These KID amphibious eight wheelers were hydraulically driven and powered by either a Wisconsin gasoline engine or a Perkins diesel motor, both putting out around 30HP.
A 60 page PDF of the KID Model "A" tractor service manual. This manual outlines basic maintenance, adjustments, etc for normal operation.
KID Service Manual A 56 page PDF showing detailed parts diagr...-
Channel: KID
12-14-2011, 09:27 PM -