Are these savable? I tore down an older t-20 I had laying around with hopes of an easy rebuild, so much for that! If I polish the rust off, will the pits left behind end up eating the new bands? The pictures show the worst parts of the drums.
Are these savable? I tore down an older t-20 I had laying around with hopes of an easy rebuild, so much for that! If I polish the rust off, will the pits left behind end up eating the new bands? The pictures show the worst parts of the drums.
it's hard to tell by pictures, but i've been told that if you can feel the pits with a fingernail, then they will damage the bands
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Thanks Brian, that was my best guess also. Next question: since the drums are obviously a softer material, (I'm guessing cast Iron and not steel) what's the best way to polish them without scratching them up?
They are cast iron. Find a machinist friend and have them turned. You can safely machine off .010" to .015" possibly more if they haven't been turned already. Just take off just enough to clean up, no more. Stock diameter should be 6.200". You would be suprised how much they clean up if not pitted too bad by just taking off .005" to .010".....Mark