Hey Mike. Welcome to 6 by 6 world and congratulation on the tank trainer. I've only ever seen one that wasn't in terrible shape and it is assumed that it was sold to a fire department and not a military unit. The two that you will most commonly see in the gallery are mine and hydromike's. Both were absolutely hammered when we got them and took copious amounts of plastic welding to put them back together. Both have re cracked in several spots but are holding up reasonably well after 10 or so years. Neither one is a trailer Queen. I think the main reasons for the cracks are that the machine is stretched out and has way more flex than its six-wheeled counterpart, it also looks like multiple bodies grafted together. You can see distinctive parting lines in the lower tub. They were also molded in a different color than any other ABS bodies and sometimes the coloring affected the strength of the plastic. Post up some pictures and don't hesitate to ask questions. Lots of knowledge around here. Although there aren't many tank trainers these machines were based off an st400, better known as a 6 chain attex which were reasonably common.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.