Originally Posted by
Nathan M
You know now that I think about it you are totally right. A couple years ago this movie "Gentlemen Broncos" came out. (made by the same people who made Napolean Dynamite) and it had a couple of AATVs in it and got me looking. At that time I couldn't find a single one under $5000, but now that I REALLY can't afford it Im finding all kinds of deals. I'm not mechanically inclined so that will restrict how bold I am when I do finally become a buyer.
Hey I'm new to this whole forum thing.......should I be starting a new thread or is everybody cool with one conversation going on for a couple days?
Mechanically speaking, these things are pretty simple. If you end up with a machine that needs minor repairs, we can probably talk you through it.
No need to start a new thread... better to keep it in one place than have multiple threads to clutter up the board. Admin Mike would just merge a second thread back into this one anyway. There are a few threads on the board that have been going for years.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.