Hey Mike,
Did you have the new engine in for this trip? If so, how'd it perform?
Hey Mike,
Did you have the new engine in for this trip? If so, how'd it perform?
Last edited by George; 01-25-2009 at 03:00 PM. Reason: forgot "new"
I have posted up pictures on the CAW ride. Hope you guys enjoy them.
Great shots Lewis. I'm cursing myself for not being there with you guys.
note Mike's reverse driving skills as he comes up the hill with a quad in tow!
i'm using windows movie maker, and can't seem to get music imported... if anyone can tell me what i'm missing it'd be much appreciated, plus my movies would be a lot better
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
All the pics are great. Setting us up for some even greater videos to come.
Whipper & The Model Citizen
The mud quality and soil moisture content looks good. IE, SLOPPY!
Hey Race.. is that your atc3k? I used VirtualDub to deinterlace the video and add a .wave file on my atc2K. If you're interested I'll get you lined out on it.
Last edited by Roger S; 01-25-2009 at 05:08 PM.
To Invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. (Thomas Edison)
hey roger, that is with the 3k. i mounted it directly to the cage for this ride. i've just been working on the video from the ride and it looks a lot better than with the camera mounted on my helmet. any info you could give me on the editing would be a huge help!... i know NOTHING about video editing
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
PM'd you some links to download..
To Invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. (Thomas Edison)
Those are some GREAT pictures Lewis. I love the one of Jennifer attacking that muddy hill:
No new engine yet, it's still sitting in the floor. I am working on a Max IV right now and as soon as it's finished I will start the transplant in my Max II. It's hard waiting but I don't want two machines torn apart at the same time.
Brian, that was a cool little video.
Thanks Mike.
Can't wait for the videos to come out. I need to get me one of those cameras like Whipper has. I miss taking video. It was a great ride! I always enjoy it when the gang gets together.
I hope Brian has move video also.