1999 max 2 18 b&s 22 tires custom . new max iv 23 k 26 i/n tires brown . ht cable promark winch . new toy 1972 attex st400 400ccjlo and she will be bad . ( the frog ) if it don't float with out you getting wet . don't bring it ! R.I.P sage rogers 4 11 09 . you can't fix stuped !!!!! raceone 3 .)
new2memax4; It's postings such as yours that help make this site so "COOL". Your enthusiasm and willingness to learn makes the old pros feel needed and happy they can share thier knowledge and experience. I enjoy reading the ambitious inquires from the new members as well as the freindly advice offered by those who have been doing this for some time. I just love it when a plan comes together! Enjoy your ride!!!!
It's all just nuts and bolts.
i rode with both mike and rdr today and couldn't believe the difference in ride. granted they were 2 different machines, the max 2 with the 22's was a lot softer on the back! but... robbies max 4 hauls butt in the water. just a choice for you. either way you will sacrifice something...
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
[QUOTE=new2memax ] one more thing,THIS IS A GREAT SITE! no one i know has one of these machines and i have never seen one around here.My girlfriend and my friends do not understand how i can have so many questions and be so exited about this thing.Thank you guys for for your help and thinkin this is just as cool as i do [ QUOTE ]
new2memax ,
If you think you,re excited now,, just wait until you get to ride with some other amphibs . The first time boncrshr brought his Hustler 950 6x6 and we got together for a ride at River Run park , I could not wait until we could go amphib riding again . When I first bought my Max IV I did not know any one that owned amphib besides me . But , 4 1/2 yrs later I met boncrshr with his Hustler 6x6 on this amphibious forum , and now I have some one who loves amphibs as much as I do .