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Ledges, Ohio 2007 Ride!

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  • Ledges, Ohio 2007 Ride!

    Argo - What's New

    Heres the link. Its not just for Argos, I know a big group of my friends and I will be bringing our modified Maxes and Attexs. Its just outside of Cleveland, Ohio and from what I've been hearing, there will be a really big crowd this year!
    "Looks like you have a problem with your 4're missin' two wheels there"

  • #2
    Thanks for sharing that link. How cool would it be to ride with that many AATVs. You will have to take lots of videos and pics!


    • #3
      I was at Ledges last year and there was over 60 machines there. It was a great ride, the night rides went on till after 4am. You get alot of everything from mud to creek crossings to lakes to sand dunes. If you diddn't go last year do it this year. Also Copper Ridge is comeing up soon, if you like steeeeep hills thats the place to go, it's in Olean New York


      • #4
        I'm looking forward to driving on the sand. Sadly, I live on an Island and have never driven on the beaches. You'd get in less trouble driving across police headquarters lawn than you would for driving on a beach here.


        • #5
          I'm jealous of all you guys. You had better take lots of pics and videos so that I can enjoy it too!


          • #6
            I just had a quick chat with HeyDan down at RI. He spoke with Dan Leonetti over at Leo's Argo (hosting the Ledges ride), and he (Dan L.) said there was something like 100 machines already registered. Crikey!

            I can't imagine what it'll be like. I wish I had a bigger trailer...


            • #7
              Mkie, you're pretty handy with a welder, why not make a 2-story trailer ?


              • #8
                I'd need a bigger tow rig, but it's an option!

                In all actuality, I don't know if the 4 stroke is going to be able to make it. It's causing me some considerable consternation. The EFI is goofing up after the engine gets warm, and causing an overly lean condition. There's a bunch of things it could be, but they all check out fine. That, and for some stupid reason, I can't get the secondary clutch to engage. I've changed over to a stock Max green spring on the secondary, the primary Comet Duster is set up as it should be for the 4 stroke, the belt appears to be fine. It's just not engaging the secondary clutch under any load. It'll engage if you sit there and rev the bejesus out of it, but that's not helping me on the trail. I'm running the stock 35 degree engagement ramp on the secondary, and I don't think changing over to a 30 degree ramp would help. As far as I can tell, the spring is installed with the right pre-load. I've taken the tranny out twice to change it with no change in performance.

                Right now top speed is about 5-10 mph tops, and after the engine warms up, it's cutting out/popping. The plugs indicate really lean conditions. The O2 sensor voltage is fine across the board, and is grounded well throughout the chassis. New fuel filter, no kinked lines, pressure regulator is fine as far as I can tell. It's just when it gets warm, and gets put under load. If I can't figure out these two problems within the next 5 days, I'll have to leave it home. <sigh>

                I'm lucky enough to have other machines to bring if necessary...


                • #9
                  Kohler Clutch

                  Mike, I have an extra 1190 engine clutch you can try if you want. If you have tried everything with the secondary, maybe the primary is the problem. -Dan
                  "How deep of water does it float in?"


                  • #10
                    This is quickly turning into a tech thread (my bad), so I'll redirect it here


                    • #11
                      We should be there tomorrow morning to get camp set-up. Is everyone coming Friday or Saturday? Who is bringing their children? I'll have my 3 ranging from
                      5 -9. The trails are tame enough for the youngins so bring them along. The kids will have a blast.


                      • #12
                        Hey lance, it was great to see you and your family this year, hope to see you guys again maybe you can go to the mountains in aug.


                        • #13
                          The ride was great. We had no near death experiences which is always a good thing while traveling with the family. My machine performed wonderful. Nothing broke and I did not even take on enough water to use the bilge pump.
                          I enjoyed driving Tom's machine with the marshmallow tires and 25 horse Kohler. The larger back seat on the newer models is a great improvement. We only got stuck twice. I posted some pictures from the water crossing on Saturday. I managed to get out with no problems. Lucky me
                          We are probably going to join the Ribits Riders club from western New York. Sounds like they have alot of fun and get out pretty often. I think next year we will bring 2 machines to split up the family a little bit. My son wanted to try everything ..even if it was going to kill us !


                          • #14
                            The Ledges ROCKED!


                            We got back yesterday from the Ledges Ride, and all I can say is WOW. This place is absolutely fantastic for any sort of machine. Turnout was incredible, the event was managed extremely well, and the wide range of terrain has something for absolutely everyone.

                            I had a chance to finally meet a few people on the board who are right in my back yard (Tom, Eric), and to meet a lot of people from all over the midwest, northeast and from Ontario. The pictures Lance posted in the gallery were taken at one of the coolest spots on the big trail ride. There was a creek that was about 50 feet wide or so, with a very difficult climb out of the other side (for most machines). There was always 3 or 4 people there to tow the machine up the initial ledge so you could get enough traction to make it the rest of the way.

                            There is an incredible dune area about 3/4 of a mile away down an arrow straight gravel road where you can really let 'er rip. Once George M. posts some photos, you won't believe how badly Joe and I treated the racers. (I think I'll be getting a new avatar . I GPS'd the D/stock at a very respectable 47mph down one of the dead-flat gravel roads screaming away at about 6500 RPM with an idiot behind the sticks. With a sprocket change, I'm sure she'll pull 55, but I don't need to do that. (It's already deadly, and I don't need to myself. ) I'm not sure how many machines there were total, but I'd estimate it at about 70 or so; probably more.

                            You can ride all day for all 3 or 4 days and never, ever get bored. With the response that Leo got from the crowd this year, I don't see how he can't hold it next year. In my opinion, it's worth a day's drive (or 3 days, Whipper) to get there to spend the weekend. The camping area is really beautiful, and the property is just huge. As pictures start to pour in from different sources, I'll post them in the gallery.



                            • #15
                              I was anxiously awaiting your responses to the weekend and I'm glad that everyone had such an awesome time. It looks like I will be making a trip next year but for now, it's off to the gallery to see what all the fuss is about

