Our attex has the lil truck transmission. We are trying to find replacement clutch discs but havent been able to locate any. Anything would help.
Our attex has the lil truck transmission. We are trying to find replacement clutch discs but havent been able to locate any. Anything would help.
Attex 'Lil Truck was a model name of the machine itself, not the transmission. Do you mean the later (trouble prone) Attex GT1 or GT2 Granite State transmission rather than the T-20?
"Looks like you have a problem with your 4 wheeler........you're missin' two wheels there"
Yes. It has that different transmission. We still haven’t been able to find anything.
you might be best to find a good used T-20 and convert the frame back. I don't know of ANYONE running those transmissions so parts will be scarce at best
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