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Looking at Max IV's

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  • Looking at Max IV's

    Like the title says, I've been looking at Max IV's (used).
    Most I see listed are better than an hour away, so I haven't actually got any seat time.
    I currently have an Argo Vanguard's okay, but seems small & the steering is a little clumsy IMOP.

    The Argo is fine, I like the 2 speed trans, but what I see on YouTube it looks like the Max's are a little more "sporty".
    I like the 2nd seat in the Max IV & the roll bar seems like it would be a big help to hold onto & swing in.

    Am I correct that with the Max design you push the stick ahead to drive that side of the machine?
    Are there any known weak points to look out for on used Max machines?
    One that I'm looking at, the owner said that the front left wheel wanted to wobble on dry ground, would that be a simple outer bearing swap or a more complex repair?
    Were all the Max IV's pretty much the same or any significant changes over the years?
    The friend I bought my Argo from is obviously biased towards Argo, but felt that the frames & wheel bearings on the Max's were not as strong as the Argo's??

    Sorry if I got "wordy", just trying to pick up all I can before I hook up the trailer & make a road trip.
    Last edited by 6x6operator; 01-15-2016, 05:43 PM.
    Stephen, from Northern IN

  • #2
    I have an Argo Vanguard and a Max IV. My wife prefers to ride in the Argo as it's quieter, I prefer the MAX. Yes, when the transmission is in forward you push forward to go, the middle is "neutral" and pulling back on them is brakes.

    When the transmission is in reverse the controls reverse. So you pull back to go and push forward to stop. If your used to an Argo, reverse in a Max will trick you a few times during the transition. You get used to pulling back to stop regardless of being in forward or reverse in the Argo.

    As for what to look for, machines made from 2000 onward have stronger axles and larger axle bearings. Ones made from 2008 have the transmission mounts beefed up, check this area on all used maxhines. If the mount bolts come loose they can damage the frame and transmission. Bigger motor is gooder, they came with 16, 18, 25, 27 and 31hp motors I believe. Check all the wheeel bearings, they get progressively harder to change working front to back. Chains are also an expensive consumable, check the sprockets for signs of wear, chain stretch is a killer. Other than that, check all the usual stuff like engine compression, clutch faces, signs of abuse.
    Last edited by Canadian_Zuk; 01-15-2016, 08:33 PM.

