I was watching some videos on Adair tracks, Escargo tracks, plastic tracks, rubber tracks, did I mention I was watching videos about tracks? Well I was, and I came across a video doing a comparison of tyres vs tracks on a couple of BRP Can-Am quad ATV's
The thought occured to me, how about developing a track, with boggies/suspension similar to the ATV quad/Utv TRACKS?
The bolt onto where the wheel goes, hmm, slightly more ground cleance and suspension.
Guess this is on a polaris ATV 6 wheel unit I assume
Not thinking we need four separate tracks nope, but those boggie setups on each corner and then some kind of A frame for the center axle/s and rollers up top and a complete track all way around whole works? For those in snowy conditions this would increase foot print too...
Anyone ever drawn up or made plans for said setup? Any pro's con's you can think of?
Just thinking out loud here is all...Could be potential...who knows...