Note from Admin: This thread was made a sticky because mgxpert consignors are some of the shadiest scammers out there. Read this thread that you are in and then jump to this post ( for more information on why you shouldn't do business with them.
I apologize to Mike if I've posted in the wrong place here. I've been looking for an AATV close to my house for sale. Ran up on a couple close by on a Google search. They were both priced too cheap I thought, but what the heck, it's only an e-mail. Anyway on one of them I get an e-mail back from this outfit............... doesn't seem right to me. I was wondering if anybody else had heard of them or done any business with them. The 2nd machine I inquired about was answered by a Air Force Master Sgt in New Jersey. Would ship it free, 5 day inspection, promised all kinds of wonderful stuff. I checked the IP addresses of both mails and they both originated in Mountain View CA. Seems like a large coincidence to me. The automotors bunch has a nice website but apparently can't afford phones. I couldn't find any listed to them. I also did a Google search, no dice, and a Better Business Bureau search, again no luck. Anyway, If anybody thinks this bunch is legit, let me know, if they aren't I wanted to get the word out so nobody here got stuck.
I apologize to Mike if I've posted in the wrong place here. I've been looking for an AATV close to my house for sale. Ran up on a couple close by on a Google search. They were both priced too cheap I thought, but what the heck, it's only an e-mail. Anyway on one of them I get an e-mail back from this outfit............... doesn't seem right to me. I was wondering if anybody else had heard of them or done any business with them. The 2nd machine I inquired about was answered by a Air Force Master Sgt in New Jersey. Would ship it free, 5 day inspection, promised all kinds of wonderful stuff. I checked the IP addresses of both mails and they both originated in Mountain View CA. Seems like a large coincidence to me. The automotors bunch has a nice website but apparently can't afford phones. I couldn't find any listed to them. I also did a Google search, no dice, and a Better Business Bureau search, again no luck. Anyway, If anybody thinks this bunch is legit, let me know, if they aren't I wanted to get the word out so nobody here got stuck.