This forum is for everything non-6x6 related however all posts must still follow the forum rules.
Additionally, topics that are typically viewed as controversial or debatable will be deleted. Remember that this is a site dedicated to promoting the AATV hobby in a positive and family friendly way. Controversial topics will not add to our goal in any way and will always end up splitting the community. There are plenty of forums dedicated to those topics on the Internet where you can discuss them all you want.
Here are some examples of topics that are discouraged: Abortion, Global Warming, Education, Global Market, Government, Welfare, Civil Rights, Gun Control, Gambling, etc.
Additionally, topics that are typically viewed as controversial or debatable will be deleted. Remember that this is a site dedicated to promoting the AATV hobby in a positive and family friendly way. Controversial topics will not add to our goal in any way and will always end up splitting the community. There are plenty of forums dedicated to those topics on the Internet where you can discuss them all you want.
Here are some examples of topics that are discouraged: Abortion, Global Warming, Education, Global Market, Government, Welfare, Civil Rights, Gun Control, Gambling, etc.