The Suburban Hustler has always had transmission issues, even after an $800 rebuild. It would either shift into reverse great but not go back into drive, or the other way around, on either the left or right side. It was sometimes both. Also, it shuddered when I turned left gently but not it I just locked up the left side.
I found out that the T20 mounting bolts had wallowed out on the left side, allowing the trans to hop around, giving me all the symptoms of a poorly adjusted transmission.
A couple weeks ago while attempting to drive over a downed tree trunk, the right side drive chain, idle sprocket, and center axle sprocket all tangled up in the bottom of the Hustler, bending the center frame crossmember and the right side of the frame. It was while assessing the damage that I noticed the (lack of) bolts in the T20. Since I took it out, I saw that the transmission was also sagging on the left side, allowing the bottom half of the belt to rub the top of the chain to the left rear axle.
Ugghh, this thing is one step forward, two steps back sometimes.

All that to say- NOW I'll be building some sort of cage reinforcement for the trans. Are there any designs that work better than others? I don't have much room between the engine and transmission, but I have plenty in front of the trans. There shouldn't be any issues utilizing the top two case bolts as mounting points, right? If I make a half-hoop that bolts somehow to the trans mounting plate and the top of the trans... It might work.

Here's the tub after I pulled the axle and transmission.

Center sprocket.

Here is one of the boogered mounting holes in the T20. You can see how it had dropped into the mount and scrubbed the side of the case pretty good.