Good Evening Gentlemen,

Seems that the Chinese market has caught up to our AATV market. There was a time that the automobile from Japan was considered to be junk and was made out of American beer cans but today take a look at a Lexus. Quite a bit of quality involved with the vehicle. For over 5 years I have handled a very powerful electric vehicle and in the beginning the vehicles were not without mutli problems. One issue which comes to mind is the nuts and bolts which never seemed to fit each other. Five years latter the company is producing a very quality and reliable product with little to no problems. This is partly because the design is American and the quality control is also controled by a US controled company. But now the product is more inline with the US market for a comparable vehicle. When products are built and controled from China then the end result may not be what you would like it to be. As far as the Argo products go I have always felt they were over priced for the entire 30 years I have been associated with them but there is little to no compitition other than the Max vehicles which vehicle for vehicle are comparably priced. I have been in the Auto repair business for nearly 40 years and there was a time that I went to GM for GM parts and what I got was All American parts but not today. The GM part may say made in Mexico or a number of other countries. I do feel that an 8x8 vehicle from China at this time with out the proper quality control will be a huge mistake. Now given a few years the vehicles may be worth what you pay for it but most likely the more realistic figure will be much closer the the cost of our 8x8 and 6x6 vehicles we are used to in our country. Generally you do get what you pay for. Everyone have a great day and where ever we go we Argo.
