Well, Ladies and gentleman another one goes down in the books as a ride well done. Had a great time as normal. Missed a lot of the regulars but we met a lot of new members and i "Think" they had a great time. There were smiles for all and a few Yee-Haws!!!!!

Made it in around 3 so i will get unloaded and start the task of "CLEAN-UP".

A very strange event occurred as the wife and i were putting the last pillow and blanket in the truck for our trip to Busco. We has over slept a bit and were to meet McCoy at the BP at 03:30 but the clock did not go off(sure it was a malfunction) Time now is 03:40.....I hear a motorcycle now who is coming down my driveway at 03:40 in the morning.

The wife walks out onto the porch i am a little concerned about who this is...........well to make a long story short....it was my oldest son who had neglected to tell us that he was coming in from Florida. He had came home to visit for the weekend. Needless to say the wife stayed i went to the ride but left early today to get back in time to see him. All is well he doesn't leave until tomorrow so i will get to spend some time with him also.

Had the alarm clock went off as intended we would have been gone and would have missed him altogether. Strange how things work out sometimes.