whos got it or where is 6x6 around the world at?
whos got it or where is 6x6 around the world at?
Kevin Hough
I've been wondering the same thing... kind of miss the little guy
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I hope he didn't get lost in the mail! I imagine even 6 wheel drive isn't enough for that system, lol.
I log his route in this thread so everyone can follow along: http://www.6x6world.com/forums/6x6-a...rld-route.html
He got held up at two members houses for a while due to circumstances beyond their control and we lost the box one time so I had John (6x6) mail him back to me two weeks ago. I made a new box and sent him back on his way. He is now with jpswift1 and is probably close to half way through his journey.
I bet there will be pictures with girls in it! What do you want to bet!: